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  • Writer's pictureHJ Education

Under Suspicion

by Kyousoutaku

HJ student presents [Under Suspicion]

The neighborhood diner was overwhelmingly lit and smelt like burnt coffee.

I had lost track of time sitting blankly in the corner after a dull, rainy day.

Looking down at my hands that tightly grasped my empty and tea-stained cup, I shut my eyes tightly, silently hoping I would just disappear then and there.

A loud knock brought me to my senses. I jolted, awake, eyes darting around erratically for the source of the sound. A waitress loomed over my table imposingly with her palms firmly planted on the table.

“About to pay your bill and leave? You’re taking up seats”.

I nodded sheepishly as I reached into my large duffle bag for my wallet. I handed her a 10 dollar bill for the dry bagel and the tea. Snatching the bill out of my hands, the waitress headed towards the cash register. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks and turned around,

“Oi, this note is stained red.”

My body went cold. “I was careless. I should’ve brought a better bag to contain it.”, I thought, scenarios racing through my mind. I handed her a new note, she furrowed her brows then left. Fumbling with my belongings, I stood up to leave. Bag on my shoulder, I scuttled towards the door. As I walked, I heard a sound. “Drip...drip....drip”. I knew what it was. In the corner of my eye, I saw the waitress reaching for the diner’s telephone as her cold stares bore holes through me. Adrenaline coursed through my veins as I shoved the door open and ran out into the dimly lit streets, gradually increasing my pace. As I ran, the unsettling feeling of being watched by dozens haunted me. I burst into an empty public bathroom and regurgitated in the sink. After a few heavy breaths, I sank to the ground, exhausted. In desperate need of a boost, I reached into my bag and ate the contents ravenously. I got up and washed out the red stains in my nails.

At that moment, I felt sick and tired of the secret I burdened myself with.

Why do I have to live in fear? All I want is to bring spaghetti with me everywhere, but everyone misunderstands and scorns me. I closed my eyes, with a fog clouding my thoughts. Sinking to the bathroom floor, I slept, journeying to a new day.

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